Monday, January 25, 2010

Locks of Love

Dan decided once again to again donate his hair to Locks of Love - so the first step is to brush it out, band it up, and get the scissors!
To donate for a wig for a child, the ponytail has to be at least ten inches long.The section in the back isn't quite that long, but hair that they cannot use, is sold to support the mission which is: . . . "to return a sense of self confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to disadvantaged children."The first time Dan donated was when he cut his hair to start off his senior year of high school, back in 2006. I think this current crop has been growing about two years.
The chop-job done on the ponytails produced quite a rad look. Drew is not really sure of what he's gotten himself into!But he happily joined in the process and fixed the mess I created.I might add - Drew did a fabulous job with the clippers! I think I recognize that handsome face!
. . .and the "After" photo. . . what a difference. Thanks for the great help, Drew. And thanks Dan, for really giving of yourself!

1 comment:

  1. What a great cause! Some hilarious shots...and I like the short hair! Nice.
