Sunday, August 23, 2009

A few Corporate Poses

I spent a few minutes after church today with my friend, Patricia. She was in need of some new images for her brochures and web site.
I think we captured her corporate look very well.
The last images I have of Patricia were from a few years ago when we went on a mission trip to South Dakota together. I remember her being covered in paint in those!
I think these will be better for the business! Good luck, Patricia.


Well, OK - it's a little crazy to start with this one - but you'd be amazed at what you can do with an overexposed image - black and white and posterize, baby! Anyway, this is Rosie! Ta-Da!
We had great fun this morning at Loose Park and on the Plaza.
It was the warmest day so far this week - I think while we were there, the temp climbed to about 75. Not bad for August in KC!
Rosie just started her Senior year at Shawnee Mission East. Go Lancers!
She is a natural beauty with a natural smile :-)
That makes things really easy on the photographer!
Rosie is taking a heavy load of business classes this semester - maybe she'll be running this store soon - instead of just checking the door!
In addition to business, she's taking Spanish IV and Physics.
My head spins at the thought of that class load!
Thanks for a really fun morning!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Pam's Fam

Frisco Lake in Olathe was the scene this evening for a session with Pam and her men.Left to right - Mason, Jonathan, and Dennis. Of course, they all totally admire mom!
Jonathan is at KU studying Journalism, and Dennis is off to NYU Law.
Mason has taken his love of everything mechanical and is a fabulous auto mechanic. There is nothing I like better than a man you can trust with your car!
Before everyone ran off to all corners of the country, Pam wanted some updated images.
There is nothing more a mom loves than to see her boys enjoying each other! Thanks guys, I had a great time with you tonight!