Sunday, October 18, 2009

Marlee in the Fall

It's been an interesting day, so I thought I would start Marlee's Senior Session with this image. Her best friend, Jenna joined us at Mi Ranchito for lunch, and Marlee mentioned to the server that it was Jenna's birthday . . . so she got the fried ice cream, the singing, and of course, the hat!
And, as you can see - she couldn't resist smacking Marlee with the whipped cream.
What are friends for - if not to smack you with random dairy products?

This is Marlee. You met her in the summer when she modeled for me at Kauffman Gardens.

We're thinking this is the "Fall Edition" of Marlee's Senior Session. We started at her old elementary school in Olathe.

Then we moved to Overland Park, and the New Theater Restaurant. Marlee is quite an actress, so the stage door was a necessity.

We did have one possible, little problem. As we were going down the alley to get to the stage door, a car was rolling slowly toward us in our lane. He finally looked up and swerved to miss us - and we saw it was Barry Williams, who is currently starring at the NTR.

Then we headed to Old Town Lenexa - a place near and dear to my heart.

We did a few poses on the tracks - - in our few short minutes there, three trains passed us by. I didn't realize it would be so busy on a Sunday afternoon.

We stopped at other places in Old Town, like in front of this flower shop.

Marlee is currently a senior at Olathe North, and will be heading off to college at Tabor where she will be working on a music education degree.

We love Kansas - either it's too hot, raining, or freezing. Today was good - - except for the wind. I ended up with a frozen Marlee by the end of the afternoon, but we sure had fun!

Sunday, October 11, 2009


It was a cold afternoon today, when Amber and I trekked downtown for her Senior Session.
We sure didn't have to go far to find some graffiti - her special request.
Amber is a senior at Olathe East. She is planning on attending Hutchison Community College next year, and is trying to decide between Nursing, Criminal Justice, and Education. With her sweet spirit, she'd be great at elementary ed. - she works with kids now in an after- school program and really gets a kick out of the little ones. After braving the cold, we finished at JCCC at the Nerman Museum.NO ONE has to tell us girls that the shoes make the outfit. Check out these sweet red pumps! She is so darned beautiful that I could put her in front of a garbage can and she'd look great. Oh, wait - I DID put her in front of a garbage can - and she is beautiful!
Congratulations, Amber! Have a great senior year, and thanks for the fun afternoon!