Saturday, September 18, 2010


Bryndon is a senior at Blue Valley North West - 
Home of the Huskies!
We got together this morning and took a few shots.  He's into drama and choir at school, so of course we had to include the stage door in some images!

In addition to school activities, Bryndon is very close to achieving the rank of Eagle Scout.
Creating great images for my clients hardly ever puts me in dangerous situations - and fortunately this wasn't one!    Just a common grass snake coming to see what's up!  I know my science-teachin', master-photographin' colleague Sarah R will appreciate this!

Bryndon plans on heading off to Mizzou next year to study Broadcast Journalism.

I would certainly watch him on the TV news or sports!

Thanks for a fun morning and have a great senior year, Bryndon!