Friday, March 5, 2010

Florida, Chapter Two

Sunday, Angie and Mark took us to St. Petersburg beach, and showed us some of their favorite places. Ang and Dan enjoying lunch.
Of course, it's been 14 years since we've been to the beach - and what do we get? A craft fair. We spent a little time shopping.
I was "so cold" that Angie's thin Florida blood couldn't deal with it, so after awhile, she went back to the restaurant to warm up and wait for us.Mark didn't last too long after that, but did spend a little time along the shoreline with us. Taking Dan anywhere; there is always a risk of hilarity breaking out. Here is sponge-snot . . . and I'm not sure what this tasty morsel is - something totally inedible, you can bet.
Dan and I loved the sun, the wind, the waves and the sounds of the surf and the gulls.
and quoting Liz Lemon from "30 Rock" - - "I want to go to there!" . . . again sometime!A perfect place to spend Valentine's day!