Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas, 2009

We were dreamin' of a white Christmas - and that's exactly what we got!Valerie enjoying her new boots, while Charlie looks on.Beautiful sissy, Kathy.Chris was very happy with his new set of tires. Dan was not believing what he was reading - - tickets to Yonder Mountain String Band. On February 13, 2010. In Tampa. With airline tickets. With his mom - -woo hoo! Here we come, Angie!
Miss Betty, looking beautiful as ever! Sweet, sweet Daddy - celebrating his 90th Christmas.
Very, very, handsome nephew - yes, he is available (at the moment!)
Not too much has changed since 1962 - except maybe the jolly old man. Santa - not George! Merry Christmas to all. . . .and blessings for 2010!

Christmas Eve Blizzard

We'll start with a few images of Christmas Eve. Yep - snow. A lot of snow. We ended up after three days of snow with eight inches in the middle of the yard. . . as much as 24 inches in drifts!
Dan scraping. No matter the weather, the kids think they need to go out. I did, when I was that age, too.
This shot is quite blizzardy! Is that a word?
Chris gets in on the scraping, as well.
Now all that's left to do is wait for Christmas morning!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fall - Chapter Two!

Well. Fall decided to stay very late here in Lenexa. In fact, it was only about a week ago that I had to start wearing a coat and gloves. I was very interested to see how my spring and summer flowers were so kind as to share space with all the fall leaves. Above and below are the yellow snapdragons and pink begonias in the front yard flower bed.
I like the way this rose thorn looks. Simple. Ahh.
Many of you recognize the fall form of the beautiful hydrangia. The rusty, green color gives it a wonderful new look.This was fun - - a VERY late blooming clematis. Look carefully and see a visitor buzzing in the middle!
This is the reason I brought the camera out on November 22. This lovely yellow bearded iris decided that once this year was not enough when it bloomed in early summer - it wanted to come out again for a late fall hurrah! I have never seen and iris bloom so late. I really love this image of the red maple leaves and the cool grey sky of late November.
But I must say, of this batch of images - this one is my favorite. This sweet maple leaf sure does spiff up my 15 year old Ford van. I love it ! ! !